Urban & Roadway LED Lights Efficiency Retrofit Program
TellCo Europe worked for many years on a LED lighting efficiency retrofit program for private and government clients. The features of this programme are as follows:
- Retrofitting: Proposal to change conventional street lights to LED street light lamp heads and/or fixtures. These are all LED systems, LED power available from 10W to 220W.
- TellCo Europe’s Remote Light Control System (TRLCS): Implementation of a centralized streetlight management solution can provide a quick Return of Investment (ROI).
- Warranty: The program can cover between 5 to 10 years!
- Maintenance, Installation, and Production: planning and installation.
- Reports: Analysis of estimated savings categories
- Different Payment Options: A competitive lease or other financing option can often be arranged by TellCo Europe financial partners.

TellCo Europe LED Lights comparison with regular HPS lights

TellCo Europe TRLCS Key Benefits
Significant Cost Savings and Quick ROI
- Low Initial Cost: Absence of any electrical cable installation saves on the initial installation costs.
- Substantial Energy Savings: Not only do LED lamps use far less energy than other street lighting alternatives, further savings can be realized by dimming or turning OFF street lights during late night and early morning hours.
- Low Annual Maintenance Costs: Real-time information of each individual streetlight eliminates manual patrolling and allows for scheduling preventive maintenance and “one trip” repair, thereby reducing the overall annual maintenance costs.
- Reduced Operating Costs: Wireless technology to provide real time monitoring and control of individual street lights from the comfort of the office environment further reduce operating expenses.
What Has This Program Taught Us?
The decrease of repair and operational costs for LED versus HPS are dramatic. - “REALITY VERSUS THEORY”
The change from HPS to LED produced whiter light is being perceived
as a significant increase in lighting levels. - “ENERGY SAVINGS ARE REAL”
As LED technology has improved, the energy savings continue to increase. - “IMPROVED VISIBILITY”
The change from HPS to white light improves visibility. - “ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY”
Direct and significant decrease of CO2 Emission.